Safeguarding your safe haven during lockdown


While indoors during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, are our homes necessarily safe? Although we’re all spending more time at home, it’s still important to be vigilant with securing our homes.

We are all spending our time within our homes at the moment to be able to keep a close eye on things, but it’s still a good idea to ensure that the security measures you have in place are top of mind. While most citizens are abiding by the current stay-at-home regulation rules, there are unfortunately others who are inclined to take advantage.

So, how can we ensure to keep our homes and families safe? Here we share a few things to keep in mind to make your home less vulnerable to potential security threats.

4 Top tips for keeping your home safe and secure

  1. Check on your existing security equipment:
    If you may have equipped your home with a burglar alarm system, sensors, security lighting, panic buttons or even CCTV cameras, but these do need regular functionality checking – whether under lockdown conditions or not.

    Even though you’re home, it’s safest to ensure that all of your security equipment is in peak condition, should the need for assistance arise. You can check this with your security provider and even arrange an upgrade as needed.

    If connected to smart devices, ensure that these alert notifications are in working order too. Should you have cameras, it’s a good idea to ensure that they are well placed to capture spots where your home may be most vulnerable.
  2. Keep access points locked:
    Although home, you’re not likely to have eyes on all corners of your property at once. Being vigilant about access points all around your home enhances security for yourself and your family.

    Make sure that gates to your property are not left wide open (or unlocked), or windows and doors are not left open unattended. At night, it is best to lock up all doors (including property front and back doors, patio doors, balcony doors, side gates or windows, garage or shed doors etc.) and windows which could make your home vulnerable for intrusion.

    If needed, additional padlocks or gates may be useful for added protection.
  3. Put valuables away:
    It’s a good idea to be mindful about keeping valuable items, including electronics and tech gadgets out of sight even while at home.

    As you would normally do, store valuable items not in use in secure places in the home, such as a safe or cupboard. Discovery Insure clients also have access to an online vault where they can store important documents.
  4. Keep all of your keys in a safe place:
    Some people entrust a spare set of keys to their home with loved ones or individuals in their employment. Should these individuals fall victim to an intrusion within their own residence, your home may become a little more vulnerable.

    All keys should be kept safely out of reach, such as in a safe (which should also ideally be bolted down) or out of sight in a drawer or cupboard. Car keys should also be kept safely and not left lying around.

Is your home still sufficiently covered?

While at the moment, we’re spending all our time in our homes, keeping up with securing our properties, valuables and families should remain the same. An unforeseen event can occur at any time, whether under lockdown conditions or not. So it remains a good idea to ensure that you still take the same care with protecting your home. That way your home insurance plan remains intact, and should it be needed, you’ll still be able to submit any necessary claims.

While you’re home, find a free moment to reassess your current plan cover too. Are you still sufficiently covered? Is there something new you may need to add to your plan? Chat to your broker or a consultant to update your plan if you need – call us on 0860 751 751 or visit our website for more details.

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