Dealing with serious illness is emotionally taxing. Gain insights into managing the range of emotions that you and your loved ones may experience.

Dealing with caregiver stress and staying healthy
Caring for a sick loved one can be very rewarding but also quite overwhelming. This is a harsh reality, and it makes prioritising self-care very important so that you can continue giving the best care to your loved one.

Talking to your loved ones about your illness
When diagnosed with a life-changing illness, it affects both you and your loved ones. Everyone will react to your situation in their own way. How do you manage their reactions while also sharing your thoughts, wishes and needs so that they hear you?

Digital services that help caregivers maintain their physical and mental wellbeing
Apps can be extremely useful in supporting caregivers through the challenges of caring for a sick person, from juggling their day-to-day responsibilities to managing stress and maintaining their own wellbeing.

How to help a loved one through a life-changing illness
When a loved one is diagnosed with a life-changing or advanced illness, our first reaction is often that we want to do whatever we can to help. How do we strike the right balance between acting on our feelings of helplessness and our desire to help?