The earlier you start saving for retirement, the more time your money will have to grow in the market. By earning returns on your savings and allowing compounding growth, your nest egg can grow significantly over time. Regardless of your age, investing early and investing more towards your retirement is essential for financial security in your golden years.
We offer extra benefits over and above investment performance
Our retirement plans are designed to help you create financial independence in retirement by rewarding you with boosts and fee discounts for your healthy financial behaviours.
Our retirement savings plans
Retirement Annuities
Our Retirement Annuities are designed to meet your personal needs. Whether you invest a lump-sum or pay in monthly contributions, we have a plan that's right for you.
Preserver and Provident Plans
Preserve your pension or provident fund savings from your previous employer until you retire.
Discovery Retirement Optimiser
A retirement savings investment that provides you with a lump-sum enhancement to your retirement savings at your selected retirement date.
Educational content to help with decision making
Is saving for retirement a blip on your radar, or is it a worry that keeps you up at night? Either way, when you understand how relevant saving for retirement is, you'll be enabled to make the right decisions, and reap the peace of mind that it brings. Get to the bottom of retirement basics.