What can a Health Check do for you today that burgers for lunch everyday won't?

Prevent a heart attack, for one thing. Perhaps a stroke or even the development of certain cancers. The lifestyle choices you make today can largely determine your health in the long-term.
1. Life style behaviour facts
Consistently poor lifestyle behaviours have been proven to lead to four main chronic illnesses (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and respiratory disease).
2. The not-so-nutritional value of fast food and your health
It's a well-known fact that fast food is generally high in sugar, salt, and saturated fat. The body reacts to these in negative ways which contribute to the development of illness, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. What can happen?
- A spike in blood sugar - As fast food breaks down quickly because of the refined carbohydrates and added sugar content, it causes a rapid spike in your blood sugar levels. This then results in a surge in insulin to lower your blood sugar levels. Ever felt tired after a heavy fast-food meal? This is why.
- A spike in blood pressure - High levels of salt in the body's blood stream contributes to the development of hypertension (high blood pressure). If untreated, over time, high blood pressure can result in the development pf more serious conditions such as heart disease and stroke.
- Increased inflammation - Just one serving (one meal) increases inflammation levels in the body. That's because of the saturated fat content.
- Depleted nutrient intake - At least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables every day is the recommended "dose" for healthier body function. Fast food typically lacks such nutrients, along with enough fibre, vitamins, or minerals. It's also laden with kilojoules. A lack of nutrients negatively impacts physical and mental function. Eventually, this can result in serious health problems.
Long-term impacts of regular poor eating can include:
- Digestive problems, such as constipation or diverticular disease
- Inflammatory - related health conditions and reduced immunity against infectious illnesses
- Memory and learning difficulties, including a higher risk for the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease
- Increased risk for heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes
- Overweight and obesity
3. Good nutrition is one crucial means for optimal health, so too is a health check-up
Poor eating habits aside, you can do yourself many favours by being proactive about checking on your physical health condition. As a Discovery Health Medical Scheme member, that's where you can really benefit from a yearly Health Check.
Knowing the results from just a few important Health Checks can help in the early detection of chronic illnesses, including the likes of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and even some cancers. This act of preventive screening can prompt you in the direction of appropriate treatment and health management, which can successfully improve overall health outcomes, and even save your life.
Discovery's Health Check was developed for this very purpose, which strongly aligns with the core objective of the business - to make people healthier and enhance and protect their lives.
What happens during a Health Check?
Discovery's Health Check is a simple and convenient set of essential health screening and preventive tests which include:
- Blood pressure
- Blood glucose/HbA1c
- Cholesterol/Lipogram
- Weight assessment/BMI
- Non-smoker's declaration
After completing your Health Check, you will receive a comprehensive report, highlighting any health risks you may have. It will also give you a guideline on what to do, and what not to do, to improve your health.
You and your family can complete the Health Check at a Discovery Wellness Clinic, Wellness Network Pharmacy or at your nearest Discovery Store. You can also book an appointment online.
You and your family can complete the Health Check at a Discovery Wellness Clinic, Wellness Network Pharmacy or at your nearest Discovery Store. You can also book an appointment online.
A Health Check also unlocks a once-per-lifetime benefit called the WELLTH Fund
The Discovery Health Medical Scheme WELLTH Fund is designed as an additional benefit that covers a comprehensive list of discretionary healthcare services for all scheme members, in addition to numerous screening test that are already covered by the Screening and Prevention Benefit.
All members have access to a maximum fund value of R10,000 per family to use for relevant healthcare needs identified following a Health Check. Any claims made against this fund will not impact a member's Medical Savings Account or Above Threshold Benefit.
"The WELLTH Fund will enable our members to better understand their own health status in a way that they can proactively do something positive about," explains Discovery Health Medical Scheme Chief Executive, Dr Ryan Noach. "With this understanding, members will then be able to better manage and improve the state of their own health."
The fund is available to all existing Discovery Health Scheme members and across all health plan types for a maximum of 2 benefit years: 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2024. New members to the scheme will also automatically qualify for the fund when they join. Their benefit period will then end on 31 December of the following year.
So, you can start your new year by ditching any poor eating habits and establish healthier ones by preventing the onset of severe disease and taking better care of yourself and loved ones.
Learn more about the WELLTH Fund and how you can best use it for the optimal health of your family here.
The Discovery Health Medical Scheme is an independent non-profit entity governed by the medical schemes act, and regulated by the Council for Medical Schemes. it is administered by a separate company, Discovery Health (pty) ltd, an authorised financial services provider.