Get a higher boost of up to 27.5% to your retirement savings

Our retirement plans give you more financial security by rewarding you for healthy investment behaviours, such as investing longer and investing more, with investment boosts or discounted fees.

We reward you with boosts of up to 20% when you invest in qualifying Discovery funds, or a boost of up to 10% to your investment in Cogence portfolios. With our current offer, you can now get even higher boosts on your lump-sum retirement annuity or preserver plan for investing longer.


An unmatched pre-retirement solution


Discovery funds

If you invest in qualifying Discovery funds, you can get an extra boost of up to 7.5%.

Resulting in a total upfront boost of up to 27.5%.

Cogence portfolio

If you invest 100% in the Cogence portfolio can get an extra boost of up to 5%.

Resulting in a total upfront boost of up to 15%.

The Discovery Diversified Income Fund qualifies for the same boost as Cogence funds.


Boosts can be invested offshore in USD


You can choose how you'd like the boost to grow and how to use the boost when you retire.

Investing your boost offshore, will provide increased global exposure and flexibility in retirement (this includes the additional boost with our current offer).

This offer applies from 26 September 2023 to 29 February 2024.

Speak to your financial adviser to find out more.

To qualify for this offer, we must receive all investment documents on or before 29 February 2024, and the investment contributions on or before 20 May 2024. Applications already submitted at the launch of this offer on 26 September 2023 will also qualify, as long as all documents and contributions are received on or before 29 February 2024. Existing investments, internal Section 14 transfers, upgrades, and applications received or activated outside the offer period will not qualify for this offer. Investments with the option to pay zero administration fees (Boost Accelerator) selected will not qualify.

The Global Endowment Plan is a unit-linked life insurance policy contract, issued by Discovery Life International, the Guernsey branch of Discovery Life Limited (South Africa), licensed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission under the Insurance Business (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 2002, to carry on life insurance business. Discovery Life is a licensed life insurer registered under the South African Insurance Act of 2017 and an authorised financial services provider ( company registration number 1966/003901/06). Discovery Life Investment Services Pty (Ltd): Registration number 2007/005969/07, branded as Discovery Invest, is an authorised financial services provider. All benefits are offered through the insurer. The insurer reserves the right to review and change the qualifying requirements for benefits at any time. Product rules, terms and conditions apply. This document is meant only as information and should not be taken as financial advice. For tailored financial advice, please contact your financial adviser. This document does not include the full details of how our investment plans work. The information in this document must be read with the relevant fact files.

Cogence (Pty) Ltd - Registration 2009/011658/07. An authorised financial services provider.

This document is meant only as information and should not be taken as financial advice. For tailored financial advice, please contact your financial adviser. Discovery Life Investment Services Pty (Ltd), registration number 2007/005969/07, branded as Discovery Invest, is an authorised financial services provider. All life insurance products are underwritten by Discovery Life Ltd, registration number: 1966/003901/06, a licensed life insurer and an authorised financial services provider and registered credit provider, NCR registration number NCRCP3555. All boosts are offered through the insurer, Discovery Life Limited. The insurer reserves the right to review and change the qualifying requirements for boosts at any time. Product rules and terms and conditions apply.

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