Remember your driving training - 9 tips to put your safety on the road first

No matter how long ago you started driving, the safety principles always apply. The basics you get taught as a new driver will always be important. Don't let bad habits form as you become more confident on the road.
No matter how long ago you started driving, the safety principles always apply. Over time we tend pick up some bad driving habits and may think "other people do it too". But, that does not make it right and places lives in danger.
The point is, the basics you get taught as a new driver will always be important. Don't let bad habits form as you become more confident on the road. Remember, every rule is there to protect your safety. Here are 9 things to do that will protect your safety:
- Have enough fuel in your car. Check that you have money in case you need extra fuel and plan trips so that you know where the petrol stations are along the way.
- When you get into your car, make sure the driver seat is positioned correctly and that the rear and side-view mirrors are set to your requirements.
- Make it a habit to always wear your safely belt and insist that your passengers, even those in the back, buckle up too.
- Keep to the speed limit. It will help you stay aware of what other drivers are doing and to avoid unnecessary harsh braking and cornering. These good behaviours can keep you safer on the roads and you can earn rewards with Discovery Insure.
- Signal every time you turn or change lanes. Remember to signal when you enter and exit a traffic circle.
- Keep a safe following distance - it gives you time to respond to what is going on in front of you. Around two seconds is safe. If you're unsure, use a lamp post or the white lines on the road as your guide, then count: one thousand and one, one thousand and two to check how far you are behind the car in front of you.
- Do not use your cellphone or eat and drink anything when you drive. It distracts you and affects your responses, rather stop for regular breaks at designated areas.
- Switch on your headlights after sunset, in rain or in mist.
- Avoid driving late at night or after you've joined in some party fun - have a designated driver or book a safe-drive service, like Uber.
Discovery Insure ambassador, Miss Teen SA, Kayla Wright, shares her driver safety tips.
As a new driver, be careful not to develop bad habits. Rather take safety precautions and these will become your habits over time. As an experienced driver, always be sure to set a good example to other drivers and be courteous to all road uses, especially new drivers.
Your phone can now talk to us if you can't
With Discovery Insure's panic button, your phone can talk to us if you find yourself in danger and need help fast. Press your Android smartphone's power button at least five times in quick succession to alert us if you find yourself in an emergency situation. We'll be able to track exactly where your vehicle is and send a response team to help.
Discovery Insure's Impact Alert sends help when you need it most
Wish you had the technology to call for help when you most need it? Discovery Insure's Impact Alert feature can detect when you've been in an accident. If we can't get hold of you immediately, we'll send emergency assistance to your location, while our Vehicle panic button can be used to alert emergency services when you're in your car and need help.
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