Why it is essential to keep your personal information up to date


In today's fast-paced, high-tech world, updating things has become a part of everyday life, from social media posts to installing the latest operating system or App. But there's one type of update that remains largely overlooked – updating our personal details.

There are times when updating our personal information doesn’t matter. But have you ever wondered what happens when an organisation like Discovery Life needs to pay out a claim, but can’t reach you or your beneficiaries?

The number you’ve dialled is not available at present

When a benefit needs to be paid, the first thing Discovery Life will do is contact you, your beneficiaries or your dependants, and keep trying for a certain period of time. If we can’t reach you, we will to hire a tracing company to help us get in touch with you, your dependants or beneficiaries.

If the tracing company cannot locate you, your dependants or beneficiaries, your unclaimed benefit will be placed in an interest-bearing bank account. If we cannot contact you (for example, in the event of your death), but the tracing company reaches your dependants or beneficiaries, and it turns out that your benefit cannot be paid out due to outstanding information on your policy, the benefit pay out will be placed in an interest-bearing bank account.

Once we’ve received all the information we require, we will pay out the benefit, with interest.

Good to know

If we need to appoint a tracing company to locate you or your beneficiaries, we will deduct the tracing fees from the benefit pay out.

What about permission and privacy?

Keeping all of your personal information and data safe is our priority. However, it is important to note that when you give Discovery Life the personal information of your dependants and beneficiaries, we accept that you have their permission to do so, as well as their permission for Discovery Life to share their information with a tracing agent if necessary. 

There’s no time like the present

It’s up to you to make sure your personal information is up to date. So, why not confirm your personal details right now? Simply log in to your Discovery Life account to check and update your personal information if necessary.

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