Discovery Health Medical Scheme member, Romy Pillay, used the WELLTH Fund to keep her family's health in check

There's usually one family member who motivates healthy behaviour and takes responsibility for their loved ones' health and wellbeing. Romy is that person in her household. Here's how the WELLTH Fund helped her in her efforts to keep herself and her family in good health.
Being a working mom to a teenage daughter and a dedicated wife, Romy knows how important good family health is, especially when it comes to balancing this with a busy lifestyle.
"I am quite diligent when it comes to my own Health Checks."
"I make sure that my husband does his every year too, because these are very important for keeping on top of your health. They are convenient because we get to check our blood pressure, cholesterol, sugar and weight all in one go. I also find these checks encourage me to keep exercising, eating well and living a healthy lifestyle, as best I can."
When Romy found out about the WELLTH Fund , it motivated her to book a routine appointment with her gynaecologist - something she had put off for quite some time.
The WELLTH Fund is an additional, once-off risk benefit that once unlocked, offers Discovery Health Medical Scheme members and their dependants additional allocated funding per family to empower themselves by better understanding and addressing their personal healthcare needs.
"I was excited to hear about the WELLTH Fund and the extra cover it gives you. "
"It always helps to have more cover in addition to your Medical Savings Account (MSA) to see to your healthcare needs. My visit to the gynaecologist was long overdue and it involved the usual checks and scans, which can easily use up a large part of your MSA. Thankfully, some of this was all covered by the WELLTH Fund," shares Romy.
Having additional WELLTH Fund cover to spare, Romy also scheduled dental appointments for her daughter and herself.
"My daughter's dental check-up and a teeth cleaning as well as my consultation and the three fillings that I needed to have done, were also covered by the WELLTH Fund. We definitely put this benefit to good use."
Romy elaborates on being able to unlock the WELLTH Fund and its ease of use:
"I knew that by getting our family Health Checks done I would be able to unlock the WELLTH Fund, so getting access to it was quick and simple. I was able to track our WELLTH Fund cover quite easily on my online dashboard on the Discovery website and knew exactly how much we had to use. The extra amount was a great help and saved me from using my MSA."
"This is an excellent benefit that really came in handy for my family and I this year and I would definitely recommend it to my family and friends. I only wish the WELLTH Fund was something that would happen every year."
Once the WELLTH Fund is unlocked, every member on your Discovery Health membership has access to numerous healthcare services (up to your WELLTH Fund limit). Learn more here .
Find out more about the WELLTH Fund, how to unlock it and what you can use it for here.
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