What are Discovery Miles?
Discovery Miles is our rewards currency that's more valuable than cash. You can earn Discovery Miles by getting healthier, driving well, and spending responsibly.
Where can I view my Discovery Miles discount?
If you are a Vitality Health or Vitality Drive member you can view your Discovery Miles discount on the Discovery app.
If you are a qualifying Discovery Bank client with Vitality Money, you can view your current discount in the Discovery Miles tab of the Discovery Bank app.
How do I increase my discount percentage when using my Discovery Miles?
You can qualify for an additional 5% discount for each Vitality programme that you activate as per the below:
- Vitality Health (VH) = 5%
- Vitality Drive (VD) = 5%
- Vitality Money (VM), with an account in good standing = 5%.
My discount is reflecting incorrectly, how do I correct this?
If your Discovery Miles discount is not showing correctly, do not redeem your Discovery Miles, as the discount showing will be the discount applied at time of redemption.
Simply call Discovery Vitality on 0860 99 88 77 or Discovery Bank on 0800 07 96 97 to query your Discovery Miles discount percentage.
How can I earn Discovery Miles?
Ways to earn Discovery Miles |
Vitality Health |
Vitality Drive |
Vitality Money |
You can earn Discovery Miles through Vitality Active Rewards, by achieving your weekly exercise, drive and spend goals. |
You can earn Discovery Miles by purchasing healthy groceries at Pick n Pay or Woolworths with the HealthyFood benefit, personal care items at Clicks or Dis-Chem with HealthyCare, and baby essentials from Babies R Us / Toys R Us and Dis-Chem Baby City with HealthyBaby. You will earn HealthyLiving rewards in Discovery Miles if you have Vitality Money active, else you will get your rewards in cash or points as per the Ts and Cs of the benefit. |
You can earn Discovery Miles by spending with your Discovery Bank credit card, investing with Discovery PrimeFlex, and on your Discovery Life Bank-Integrated policy when the debit order is paid from a qualifying Discovery Bank account. |
You can earn up to 20% back in Discovery Miles on qualifying spend on Uber rides or on fuel when filling up at bp and select Shell service stations. |
What are some ways I can spend my Discovery Miles?
Ways to earn Discovery Miles |
Vitality Health |
Vitality Drive |
Vitality Money |
You can spend Discovery Miles on a range of exciting rewards in the Vitality Mall, including coffees, smoothies, movies, shopping rewards, and much more using the Discovery app. |
You can use your Discovery Miles to purchase airtime, data and SMS bundles, as well as prepaid water and electricity on the Discovery Bank app and get up to 15% off. |
You can spend your Discovery Miles at over 40 online and in-store retail partners and get up to 15% off. On Miles Ð-Day, you can get up to 30% off when shopping in our partner network. |
How can I spend my Discovery Miles in store?
As a qualifying Discovery Bank client with Vitality Money, you can save up to 15% when spending Discovery Miles at in-store partners like Clicks, Pick n Pay, Sportsmans Warehouse, and many more. On Miles Ð-Day, you can double your Discovery Miles discount and get up to 30% off.
Here's how you can get your discount when you shop in store at our Discovery Miles retail partners:
- Log in to your Discovery Bank app.
- Choose your Discovery Miles Account.
- Tap Spend, then Pay In-store.
- Enter the rand amount you'd like to spend and tap Generate voucher.
- Show your voucher to the cashier to redeem it.
Make sure you have downloaded the latest version of the Discovery Bank app to get the discount.
Click here to watch a quick video on how to generate your voucher code.
How can I spend my Discovery Miles online?
As a qualifying Discovery Bank client with Vitality Money, you can save up to 15% when spending Discovery Miles at online partners like Dis-Chem, Game, Takealot*, and many more. On Miles Ð-Day, you can double your Discovery Miles discount and get up to 30% off on online shopping.
Here's how you can get your discount when you shop online at our Discovery Miles online retail partners:
- Complete your online shopping.
- At checkout, select Discovery Miles to pay for purchases.
- Log in to the payment platform using your Discovery details.
- Your qualifying discount will be applied automatically to your purchase during checkout.
Can I monetise my Discovery Miles?
Yes, you can exchange your Discovery Miles for cash, paid straight into a Discovery Bank account that is required to be in good standing, or send them to any of your mobile contacts who have a Discovery Miles Account with Discovery Bank.
Can I transfer my Discovery Miles?
Yes, you can transfer your Discovery Miles to any of your mobile contacts who have a Discovery Miles Account with Discovery Bank and have set up Contact Payments.
What is Miles Ð-Day
On the 15th of every month, for 24 hours only (from 00:00 to 23:59), Discovery Bank is doubling your Discovery Miles discount when spending Discovery Miles in store and online at Discovery Miles retail partners. Discovery Bank primary accountholders who have a Ðiscovery Account, Discovery Bank Transaction Account, Discovery Bank Card Account or Discovery Bank Suite and have an active Vitality Money status, can now get up to 30% off at our Discovery Miles in-store and online retail partners on Miles Ð-Day . Clients need to make sure that they have downloaded the latest version of the Discovery Bank app to get the discount.
Who qualifies for the Miles Ð-Day promotion?
This promotion is available to qualifying Discovery Bank clients who live in South Africa, who are 18 years or older, and are:
- Primary accountholders with a Ðiscovery Account, Discovery Bank Transaction Account, Discovery Bank Card Account or Discovery Bank Suite and have an active Vitality Money status.
- To qualify, clients with the previous Discovery Card that is now administered by Discovery Bank must upgrade their previous Discovery Card to a new Discovery Bank credit card product and activate Vitality Money.
Only clients who are Discovery Bank primary accountholders with Vitality Money can spend their Discovery Miles through our Discovery Miles online and in-store retail partner network. Qualifying Discovery Bank clients need to make sure that they have downloaded the latest version of the Discovery Bank app to get the discount.
How the Miles Ð-Day double discount works
Qualifying Discovery Bank primary accountholders with Vitality Money can already save between 5% and 15% every day when spending Discovery Miles at our online and in-store retail partner network. On Miles Ð-Day (15th of each month), these clients automatically get double their Discovery Miles discount and can get between 10% and 30% off when spending their Discovery Miles.
If you are the primary accountholder of any product that comes with Vitality Money, you can access Vitality Active Rewards through the Discovery Bank app. This includes all new Discovery Bank Transaction Accounts, Credit Card Accounts, Suites, or the Ðiscovery Account.
Please read the Discovery Miles benefit guide for more information about the Discovery Miles 5% to 15% saving.
The double discount will be automatically applied to the Discovery Miles amount and will show next to the Rand amount when making payment. Clients will also receive a confirmation SMS. Members need to make sure that they have downloaded the latest version of the Discovery Bank app to get the discount.

Where can I use my Miles Ð-Day double discount?
Shop in-store or online at over 40 online and in-store Discovery Miles retail partners (excluding all our travel partners on the Vitality Travel booking platform, any of the Dream Destination benefits). This offer excludes using your Discovery Miles to shop on Vitality Mall with Vitality Active Rewards as well as using your Discovery Miles to purchase airtime, data, SMS bundles and prepaid water and electricity in the Discovery Bank app.
Why can't I spend my up to 30% discount in the Vitality Mall?
This promotion is only applicable to qualifying Discovery Bank clients with Vitality Money when spending Discovery Miles in the Discovery Miles online and in-store retail partner network.
The Miles Ð-Day double discount excludes using your Discovery Miles to shop in the Vitality Mall with Vitality Active Rewards.
In-store vouchers generated using the Discovery app are not eligible for any Discovery Miles spend discount. If the Discovery app is used, the discount cannot be applied after the purchase has been completed.
The Miles Ð-Day promotion also excludes Discovery Miles used to purchase airtime, data, SMS bundles and prepaid water and electricity in the Discovery Bank app.
Why is the Miles Ð-Day double discount not applied to online travel partners?
The Miles Ð-Day offer excludes travel through the Vitality Travel booking platform, any of the Dream Destination benefits which include Contiki, Royal Caribbean Cruises and World Leisure Holidays. This is because travel is excluded from the existing Discovery Miles benefit where qualifying Discovery Bank clients with Vitality Money, can get up to 15% off when spending Discovery Miles.
You can still enjoy great savings on flights. Qualifying Discovery Bank clients with Vitality Money get between 10% and 40% on domestic flights, while Vitality Health members save up to 35% on domestic flights. Qualifying clients with both Vitality Money and Vitality Health can therefore get a maximum flight saving of up to 75%.
Do my Discovery Miles expire?
Discovery Miles expire five years from the date that you earn them. If you don't use your Discovery Miles before they expire, you'll lose them.
Who to contact if you have a Discovery Bank or Discovery Miles query?
For any questions about Discovery Bank or Discovery Miles, please call us on 0800 07 96 97.