Win your share of R100 000 in prizes with Team Vitality


Attention all new and renewing Team Vitality members. Stand a chance to win prizes to the total value of R100 000 if you sign up for Team Vitality. Plus, get up to 50% back on race entries, 50% off your Strava subscription, and so much more

Team Vitality is giving away new fitness devices to the total value of R100 000 to new and renewing Team Vitality members, in November and December 2020

Here's how you can get your hands on a new fitness device before we say goodbye to 2020.

How to stand a chance to win a new fitness device

Join Team Vitality or renew your membership before 31 December 2020. Once you've signed up, send an email to before 31 December 2020 to enter the competition. Remember to include your name, surname, Vitality membership number or ID/Passport number. Terms and conditions apply.

What is Team Vitality?

Team Vitality is South Africa's most popular running and cycling club, offering members 50% back on select race entry fees, premium running or cycling kit and exclusive VIP hospitality. Plus, get weekly club updates on upcoming events, training programmes and tips and tricks to keep you on top of your game.

You'll also get a front-row seat to our world-class workshops hosted by running and cycling experts, including Bruce Fordyce, our ASICS FrontRunners, Doug Ryder from team Qhubeka and more.

Why join Team Vitality in 2021?

2020 has been a challenging year. However, Team Vitality has kept our members motivated to stay active at home with fitness challenges, weekly news and advice, pop-up events and more. New and renewing members can expect the same level of dedication in 2021, no matter what the new year may bring.

Plus, when you join SA's biggest running and cycling club in 2021, you'll get:

  • 50% back on selected race entry fees
  • Premium quality race kits
  • VIP hospitality at selected race events
  • And so much more!

You'll also get 50% off your Strava subscription - thanks to our new partnership with the world's largest digital running and cycling platform.

Learn more about Team Vitality's new partnership with Strava

Sign up today and save on membership fees

If you join Team Vitality for 2021 today, you won't pay for the rest of 2020. Plus, because this year has been so challenging, there will be no membership fee increases in 2021. You can still join:

  • Team Vitality Running Club for R399
  • Team Vitality Cycling Club for R950
  • Team Vitality Running and Cycling Club for R1 349

Keep an eye on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages for more updates and information.

See you on the road in 2021!

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