How to best handle a stroke from behind the wheel

Having a medical emergency such as a stroke while driving can endanger you and others on the road. To help you manage these risks, here are some useful guidelines.
Most life-changing events don't announce their arrival. In a split second, life as you know it, can change. Having a stroke is no different. Stroke risk increases with age. A South African study showed the average age for a stroke is around 66 years of age and there has been an upward trend in the occurrence of strokes since 2014.1
In the United States, three-quarters of strokes occur in people ages 65 and older.2 While they tend to occur more in older people, strokes do not discriminate when it comes to race, gender or creed. And with little warning time, they can take place anywhere, anytime - which includes on the road. In South Africa, National Stroke Awareness Week is from 28 October to 3 November 2021, and we've outlined the warning signs,which can also include loss of vision; severe or unusual headache; dizziness and trouble with walking, and some useful tips to manage the situation on the road to safeguard yourself and other drivers.
What are the signs of a stroke?
The American Stroke Association has coined the acronym FAST to help identify the warning signs.
F: Face drooping - facial paralysis to one side, which is more noticeable when trying to smile.
A: Arm weakness - sudden numbness or weakness in one arm. When trying to raise both arms, one arm may not lift as high as the other.
S: Speech - slurred or garbled speech.
T: Time to call in the emergency - get medical help fast. If you're able to speak, call your local emergency service or Discovery 911 on 0860 999 911. If you're a Vitality Drive member, simply push the panic button on your smartphone. Vitality Drive also gives you access to safety features like Impact Alert that detects when you have been in an accident and sends help immediately.
What to do if you're driving and suffering from a stroke
If you've experienced the symptoms of a stroke while driving, follow these steps:
- Try to remain calm. Any emergency is escalated by panicking.
- Reduce your speed and pull over. If you have a passenger who can drive, let them take you to the nearest hospital.
- If you're alone, contact emergency services immediately.
- Loosen any tight, restrictive clothing.
- Lie on your side inside your vehicle with your head slightly elevated and try not to fall asleep.
- Do not eat or drink anything as a stroke can affect your ability to swallow.
- Try to remember the time you first felt symptoms. This will determine the type of medicine you can receive.
- Even if your symptoms vanish, you should still seek medical help.
Prevention is always the first choice
Although there are certain things that are out of your control, you can make health decisions that lessen your risk of having a stroke. It's important to know your health status. Even if you feel fine, visit your GP or a clinic for a general check-up once a year or book a Vitality Health Check to track your key health indicators.
Vitality Drive 65+
Discovery Insure research shows that people older than 65 years of age who proactively manage their health are a lower risk to insure. For example, those who complete a Vitality Health Check have a 10% lower vehicle loss ratio, which means fewer vehicle claims than those who do not. The Vitality Health Check for Vitality Drive 65+ is a tailored health check for people over the age of 65 and includes additional screenings and access to preventive vaccines.
With Vitality Drive 65+, you can earn up to 50% of your vehicle premiums back every year by completing the Vitality Health Check for 65+, by driving well and driving fewer than 10 000km in a year. You can still earn up to 50% of your fuel and Gautrain spend back in cash, and benefit from weekly Vitality Active Rewards and other Vitality Drive rewards.
While we can't predict the future, we can try to prepare ourselves. By taking care of your health and having regular health screenings, you can stay aware of your risk for a stroke. If a medical emergency does occur, take action to remain as safe as possible and to protect other drivers - that's how we all contribute to creating safer roads.
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