While every cancer journey is unique, being diagnosed changes every patient's life. Celebrate life after cancer with key insights into stages of cancer survivorship.

Given five years to live, Belinda survives rare cancer and now supports others with cancer
After being diagnosed with angiosarcoma, a rare cancer, Belinda Wagner (50) spent months looking for the right treatment. Now, after surviving, she is making valuable contributions to the world of cancer in South Africa.
Back to School: top tips for a child with cancer
A child's cancer diagnosis can have a severe impact on their schooling. Adri Ludick has written the book on how to keep children with cancer on the academic track.
Avoid risky lifestyle behaviours
Life after cancer treatment will never be the same. Whether you're in remission or have been given the all-clear, you may have concerns about your cancer coming back. These healthy lifestyle tips could help to reduce your recurrence risk.
The role of your oncology care physician
It's normal to feel unsure and unsettled when your active treatment programme comes to an end and the 'security blanket' of your ever-present medical team is no longer a daily fixture. Now, your oncology care physician takes centre stage.
A normal part of every cancer journey is the rollercoaster ride of emotions that you experience including anxiety, fear and dread. When these feelings persist over time, intensify, or start affecting daily life, there could be signs of PTSD.
It's very common, once treatment ends, to find yourself feeling lost, insecure and unsure about 'where to next'. While every cancer journey is unique, there's one important aspect that's universal: cancer changes every patient's life.
For many cancer patients, being diagnosed and undergoing treatment acts as a wakeup call, triggering taking stock and rethinking what's important in life. In our ongoing search for purpose and meaning, spirituality often plays a vital role.
Depression and your cancer journey
The mixed bag of emotions you experienced when you were first diagnosed tends to rear its head throughout your cancer journey, even when you've finally completed treatment. Relief is coupled with the euphoria of having come through the many challenges.
Stages of survivorship: life after cancer
Thanks to ongoing breakthroughs in modern medicine, more and more people live full and productive lives, post cancer diagnosis and treatment. Today, 'survivorship' is recognized as a specialized field, playing a pivotal role in every cancer journey.
Survivorship: getting out of your cancer routine
The end of your cancer treatment heralds what, for some, is a daunting new phase - so-called 'Survivorship'. This stage of a cancer journey takes some adjustment, and there is plenty of support out there to help you to find your 'new normal'.
Diet and exercise now that you are healthy
It's wonderful to be given the all-clear once your treatment is complete. But the elation and joy of getting there is often coupled with anxiety and concern. 'What do I do next?' and 'How do I prevent it from coming back?' might be on your mind.
Your life after cancer will never be the same. Whether the process leaves you feeling glad it's over, sad or angry about what you've been through, or terrified that it may come back, these are common emotions when you've been given the all clear.
Your Cancer Buddy gave you that all important hope and belief that you could get through this by simply being there, and now that you've done it, you too have an opportunity to assist others who are just embarking on their journeys.