Discover Health Medical Scheme Member, Tanny Mpetshawa shares on how the WELLTH Fund gave her the extra medical cover she needed

Tanny Mpetshawa, mom to a 5 year old boy, knows all too well about kiddies' health issues, which is why she was pleased to have the added cover of the WELLTH Fund - a once-per-lifetime benefit available to all members on Discovery Health Medical Scheme - which gave her medical savings account (MSA) some welcomed relief.
Tanny's son is the only dependant on her Discovery Health plan and by completing her Health Check and the online Kids Health Check on his behalf, she was given automatic access to additional cover through the WELLTH Fund, which she used to pay for hers and her son's recent medical bills.
"I'm a firm believer that annual Health Checks are essential."
"I'm a firm believer that annual Health Checks are essential."
So, unlocking the WELLTH Fund by going for my Health Check was easy, as I go for mine every year. The most convenient part of it all was that I didn't have to go to much trouble to complete my son's Kids Health Review on his behalf. It was done quickly and easily online."
In addition to her Health Check, Tanny ensures she keeps an annual appointment with her dentist and her gynaecologist for the necessary screening tests and to monitor and manage symptoms of her Endometriosis.
"Committing to one Health Check a year is important because these tests help you identify things about yourself and your health, and not just on a diagnostic level. You are given a better understanding of your overall health and you're encouraged to take an honest look at the way you are living."
"The Health Check shines a light on your eating habits, your exercising or non-exercising, how much water you are drinking. It makes you ask the question: Am I taking care of myself in the best possible way that I can?
"It also brings to mind all those little things (which later add up to become big things) that you could be doing a lot better. Unhealthy habits, as minor as they might seem, can become more problematic things if you don't nip them in the bud early."
Tanny adds: "What I also find valuable about Health Checks is that they bring your family's health to your attention, not just your own. We don't often realise how our family's medical history can play a part in our own health risks and our potential of carrying something underlying that we don't know about."
Tanny used the additional funds she unlocked through the WELLTH Fund to cover her son's dental appointment and her annual check-up at the gynaecologist.
She elaborates: "My son's dental check-up revealed that he had bad cavities that we did not know about. His teeth cleaning, dental X-rays and the first three fillings he had done (which came to around R2000) were all covered by the WELLTH Fund."
"When it came to my gynea check-up, my doctor initially suspected that I might have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) but after further blood tests were run and my insulin resistance was checked, it turned out that I was thankfully in the clear. This appointment and the further testing I needed was also covered by the WELLTH Fund."
Unlocking and accessing the WELLTH Fund was a seamless and simple experience for Tanny, here's why:
"As soon as my WELLTH Fund was activated, I got an email explaining what this benefit is, what it can do for me and the additional funds that I could use it for."
When asked if she would recommend the WELLTH Fund to her family and friends, Tanny replied:
"I already have! The WELLTH Fund has been a huge help for me and it's always nice to know that you have extra medical cover.. It's small changes like these that can make a big difference to a person's life."
As a DiscoveryHealth Medical Scheme member for nearly 8 years (since late 2015), Tanny shares her opinion about the organisation:
"Belonging to this medical aid gives me a sense of pride. Discovery always live their company values by doing something innovative and being helpful for their members. By giving everyone, no matter what plan you're on, access to this once in a lifetime benefit and by encouraging you to check yourself out and make sure you're as okay as you feel, I believe that Discovery Health Medical Scheme has really kept their promise to enhance and protect people's lives."
As much as regular screening raises awareness in adults, it is also an opportunity to instil good habits in the younger members of our families.
"I used my son's dental visit as an example to teach him that cavities are a result of eating too many sweets. The other day I found the chocolate-filled half of the toy egg that I bought him uneaten, I think my lesson has finally hit home," concludes Tanny.