How to dine out safely - and healthily during COVID-19

Many of us are excited about the social aspect of eating out again. But there are considerations around COVID-19 which can help make the experience less anxiety-provoking.
Eating out is one of the pleasures of life, and we’ve missed our favourite eateries during the stay-at-home periods of the COVID-19 pandemic. Vitality clinician, Dr Seranne Motilal says we can eat out safely, minimising the risk of contracting the virus. Here is her checklist for eating out safely:
- Are you or any members of your family at risk or in a vulnerable group (over the age of 60 or has co-morbidities) for severe illness from COVID-19? If yes, it is advisable to remain at home.
- Does the restaurant follow proper health and safety protocols such as physical distancing, hand washing, fabric mask use, and disinfection and cleaning protocols?
- Does the restaurant have outside seating? Opt for outside seating whenever possible as the virus can more easily transmit between people in a closed space.
- What is the current level of COVID-19 spread in your area? If your or the restaurant’s district is a current hotspot, it is best to limit time spent outside of the home.
- Finally, if you or any members of your party are feeling unwell or have had exposure to someone who is COVID-19 positive then you should stay at home.
Now that you’re out, here’s what to do when at the restaurant:
- Sanitise your hands before entering the restaurant.
- Maintain a physical distance (1.5 m) from everyone who does not live with you.
- Wear your face mask at all times, except when eating or drinking. Do not touch your face or the fabric part of the mask when taking it off or putting it back on.
- Don’t share utensils or food, or eat off the same plate. Be wary of shared surfaces such as condiments.
- Avoid self-service and communal eating set-ups such as buffets or water fountains.
- Pay and tip exact amounts or by contactless payment using a credit card to avoid touching contaminated money or card machines.
- Wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser made with at least 60% alcohol regularly – especially after using the restroom, after handling the menu, before and after your meal and as soon as you get home.
- When you get home, remove your face mask safely – from the ties or ear loops at the back and place it in the laundry. Remember to wash your hands again afterwards.
This doesn’t mean you have to abandon healthy eating
"Beyond the dining experience, food choices will also play a crucial role given the direct link between holistic wellness and resilience in the face of COVID-19," says Dr Motilal. Particularly in the context of COVID-19, healthy meals have an important impact on your immunity, comorbidities, obesity and inflammation.
"The role of nutrition is critical for multiple areas of health. We know from behavioural economics that people do not always make decisions that are good for them, and often opt for short-term pleasurable choices," she adds.
Nudge theory proposes using encouragement or suggestions (nudges) to encourage people to tend towards healthier options while still giving them the freedom to make their own decisions.
The Vitality HealthyDining benefit
A nudge towards healthy eating, are HealthyDining meals selected by Vitality to highlight the healthier options for members and the general public. This means that we can eat healthily even when eating out.
"HealthyDining meals are a treat but still delicious, healthier choices," says Dr Motilal. These meals are prepared using a variety of whole, less processed foods using healthier cooking methods and are lower in salt and sugar.
"The aim of HealthyDining is to encourage members to make small behavioural changes that collectively improve the nutritional quality of their meal choices when ordering and eating out. The goal is not to be purist in recommending better menu options, but instead to be realistic and to effectively encourage them to make healthier choices," she says.
- Watch out for the Vitality logo when you eat out, and when you order in. There are also discounts of up to 50% for healthy children’s meals and 25% off healthy adult meals through our partners.
- Activate today