Discovery Insure's Trauma Concierge provides support beyond claims

Sometimes insurance claims involve more than lost possessions - they come with a traumatic experience. That's why Discovery's Trauma Concierge is here to get you the help you need so you can move forward.
Discovery Insure understands the importance of prompt and accessible trauma support, which is why we have a unique service called Trauma Concierge. This counselling benefit is activated once you make an insurance claim that involves a traumatic experience for you and your family.
What does Discovery Insure's Trauma Concierge cover?
The counselling covers members of the household and domestic staff who have been affected by a traumatic event. For children up to 12, we arrange specialised counselling with a trained psychologist, a counsellor for children, or even a clinical psychologist. The service includes four counselling sessions per person and is at no extra cost.
The Trauma Concierge benefit automatically covers:
- Armed robbery
- Hijacking or attempted hijacking
- Car accident involving fatality
Other events like theft, burglary or car accidents can also qualify for the service if they caused a traumatic experience.
How does the Trauma Concierge work?
This service is automatically activated for you following a traumatic claim event. The Trauma Concierge will contact you to provide the necessary support and arrange counselling services for you (and your affected family members).
If you lost your phone during the incident, trauma concierge will also help replace your cellphone on the same day.
If you experience a traumatic event, don't deal with it on your own. Discovery Insure's Trauma Concierge is here to support you from the start, from making a claim to getting the help you need.