Pay it forward with Wheel Well

Wheel Well is there for all child road safety needs and is also able to help those who cannot afford car seats for their children. Through their car seat donation campaign, they drive awareness of critical road safety issues in South Africa, promotes educational initiatives and, ultimately, saves lives.
Studies have shown that having the correct car seat for you child can significantly reduce their risk of death during an accident. Getting a car seat is therefore crucial when driving with children, but that does not mean that those who cannot afford a car seat have to break their budget purchasing one. That’s where Wheel Well comes in.
Car seat donations to help those who cannot afford car seats
Your old seat gathering dust in the garage or the back of a cupboard can keep another precious child safe. With Wheel Well’s Car Seats for Kids campaign, they ask for old car seat donations. They then delicately clean and restore the car seats to become available to families who cannot afford to purchase a car seat new for a donation that the family can afford. They also show the family how to properly use the car seat, how to install it and when to consider upgrading the seat. This amazing campaign is unique to South Africa and testament to how much we care for each other.
Wheel Well can also help you choose a car seat suitable for your child
If you need help in narrowing down your car seat choices, don’t understand some of the issues around car seats or need help with installations, Wheel Well is there for you. You can visit their showroom in Randburg, but for now, they are so confident in their knowledge of car seats that they can help you over the phone or social media as well.
For more information on the Car Seats for Kids campaign and what Wheel Well does for our children in road safety, please visit their website
Your phone can now talk to us if you can’t
With Discovery Insure’s panic button, your phone can talk to us if you find yourself in danger and need help fast. Press your Android smartphone’s power button at least five times in quick succession to alert us if you find yourself in an emergency situation. We’ll be able to track exactly where your vehicle is and send a response team to help.
Discovery Insure's Impact Alert sends help when you need it most
Wish you had the technology to call for help when you most need it? Discovery Insure’s Impact Alert feature can detect when you’ve been in an accident. If we can’t get hold of you immediately, we’ll send emergency assistance to your location, while our Vehicle panic button can be used to alert emergency services when you’re in your car and need help.
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